ابحث الان عن وظيفتك في محرك البحث الذكي
Firemen driver


Under the general direction of Chief Fire Officer, Fireman Driver carries out fire and rescue duties in emergency situations, as directed by any senior officer. To undertake maintenance, inspection, and testing of fire service equipment. To carry out any duty crew duties as and when required. Able to drive and operate any vehicle within the fire department.


• Carries out the daily inspection of the assigned vehicle to include all tests and checks to standard of station standard operating procedures.
• Carries out automotive requirements as per CAR PART IX Standard.
• Ensure that vehicles are replenished with media following operational use or drills.
• Reports to officer’s of any operational or equipment defects.
• Attends training lectures, practical sessions as and when required.
• Carries out fire safety visits and duties.
• Attends any incidents as and when required.
• Must have knowledge of local topography, appliance positioning and operation.
• Ensures that PPE is maintained to the manufacturer’s standard.
• Participates in fire station general housekeeping duties including cleaning and self - catering.
• Be competent in written English and computer such as MS Office, so that all documents and in particular the station reporting is produced to a good standard. Thus enabling such documents to withstand scrutiny during any enquiry.
• In case of emergency attendance to the airport is required, in the non-working hours, and other.
• Provide the necessary support to the CFO, and perform any tasks assigned to him.

• Prioritize tasks according to requirements. (Officer)
• Identification of the initial tasks and decision-making related to the department/section the activity.
• In coordination with senior officers, or without, can take decisions pertaining to control of firefighting activities, extinguishing and preventing fires and the running of the station whilst of duty.



Job Details

Posted Date: 2018-10-30
Job Location: Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Job Role: Support Services
Company Industry: Airlines/Aviation

Preferred Candidate

Career Level: Mid Career
Degree: Diploma
مشاركه المقال :
مقالات مشابهه
    لايوجد محتوي مشابهه
التعليقات مغلقة حتي اشعار اخر

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احدث الوظائف
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